My Encouragement!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Love Today!

Love today comes with priorities, it comes when people are in need, when people have no other important agenda in their life, when people are searching for a companion...
Love today comes with the right to leave when situation avails, when your families don't approve, when career and friends seem more important....
Love today comes with demands, comes with the money you earn, the car you drive, the gifts you can afford....
I have known love at its best and at its worst..
I have known love to come close and to see it wake away...
I have seen love change with time....
I thought of all the people who screwed my faith in love
you'd be the one to bring it back...
Yet again i had this sweet misunderstanding...
Love today comes with everything but 'Love'.  


  1. Nice Thought...! I have a question in my mind all the time....! Is Love mean only the relationship between a boy and a girl...? Then How you mean the relationship our parents and friends shows on us...?

    1. the love of parents can't be compared here.. its something so unselfish to put in words

  2. If there comes no "love" with love, is it love at all?

    And, speaking of this, I think the word "love" is misused nowadays, it has lost its true essence. We "love" our food, our clothes, sports, t.v shows, and using the same word, we love people. I wish people didn't throw around the word love like it was nothing..

    1. well dear people do throw around the word like it is nothing!

  3. Loved the last line.. Love todayc comes with everthing but love! Wonderful one, yet again!

  4. Thought provoking...just thinking what is Love ?

  5. always continue something which was hard hitting my mind and i finally end up in your blog to find you write the same

  6. Very true Sneha, Love comes with everything but 'love' unconditional:)

  7. The irony of life in each of your posts are so well described ... amazing !!!
