My Encouragement!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

You Have No Rights

He played with my hair.
I stopped him and said
'Go away
you have no rights'.

He swayed my skirt off high.
I stopped him and said
'Leave me alone
you have no rights'.

He gently placed his lips on mine
to make my wet tongue dry.
I pushed him back and said
'You lost me
you have no rights'.

He wrapped me in his arms
to freeze my every nerve.
I cut loose his cold hold
said 'Back off
you have no rights'.

He stood still and calm,
He looked with a craving eye.
I said 'Leave alone a suffering heart.
Oh Wind !! don't play.
You sense the cold and faded,
Let this lonely heart just wither away'!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Expectations Drown you, Choices Hold You Up

She sat down after a long long day of talking to people, greeting them with smile and reciprocating all they needed to hear. She had this in her, the art to know what the person in front of her wants and living up to their expectations. She loved the fact she could easily make someone's day and the fact that people leaned on her for so many things. What she didn't expect is the same quality of hers would leave her vulnerable,heart broken and bitter. She forgot where the good line ends and the bad begins.
                She lit up her room with candles,poured herself a glass of wine and she stared at the phone. Everyone had wished, family and friends even people who hardly ever were a matter of concern. Everything was right except his call. He hadn't called on the day he knew meant so much to her and when he did it was too late. She questioned herself why she let it even matter to her. He wasn't suppose to be this influencing. His concern, his being present or absent was never a part of the deal. Nothing was exclusive, still why did one call of his matter so much. She heard his explanation. She heard he was tired, so busy he couldn't find sixty seconds of peace to make a call. She accepted every fact of it and chose to believe it but then she also made  one final quote. She said to him  "Don't say you love me and then treat me as crap. If you can't handle it you may as well leave. I lived before i met you,i lived when i was with you, certainly i can live without you. It's a simple choice".