My Encouragement!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Precious unpredictable life they say,
Living, awake and breathing I say ,
Where is your soul they ask,
Lost trying to live I say..
Lost trying to stay awake I say..
Lost trying to breathe I say...

Millions of life I see
How many carry their souls in harmony I ask,
A few they say,
So why did the millions loose it I ask,
We have no answer they say.

I say; No one understands no one...
We loose it all in the end..
Neither the blood relations help
Nor the ones made by choice..
The journey sour or sweet
In a trillion years won't matter..
So why the fuss you make, I ask
To make your tomorrow safe, they say

I laugh, What tomorrow..
I know no tomorrow..
Let me Breathe please just for today..
Let me find my soul I beg..
Life takes a toll
And ultimately we loose..
Please let me loose with dignity..
I say,
You can't, they say..
Why? I ask.
Cause we gave you life they say.

I stare at the absurdity.
Lost I have my soul Yes
But now I loose my life too..
Precious unpredictable as it is..
Goodbye I say to all...

Monday, February 19, 2018

Let me cry

Passing by life with the speed of light,
Flashes of past and present
Intertwined with confusion.
I have fought these battles head on,
And now the scars burn away day in and day out.
For now let me cry all my silent tears..

Let me drown into the turmoil
Of destruction..
Waging a war with myself
Be defeated and smothered
By my own hands
To loose not to others
But myself...
For now let me cry a thousand tears...

There is no black and white
There is no right and wrong
All that prevails are circumstances
And your own zones of Grey..
For now let me cry and cry
and cry my soul out...
Let me cry my silent repressed tears...