My Encouragement!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

'No' Was Her Reply!

They spoke occasionally to know how they were doing in their so called lives. With the distances increased in a year they canvassed their whereabouts just through phone calls.
                   To her surprise he said "Lets meet up. Next week i will come to your city. What say?".
She stayed quite for a second and replied "No. The distances are easier to deal with. It's good to know you are doing well where you are. Don't come here and make it more hard for me. Life has become easy since you moved away".
                 He couldn't believe what he heard and she couldn't believe she actually said it.   


  1. Awesome !!!!!

    Short,simple but amazing!!!!!!

    First time on your blog and I am impressed.

    1. Thank you arjun.. You can go through other posts as well :)

  2. Courage can often come in different shapes, sizes and forms and from the most unexpected corners as well :)
    Nice post Sneha :) Keep it up



  3. In just a few lines you rewind thousand pages of a personal diary. And no wonder I stop here often; it my diary too.

    1. haha.. it seems all my articles describe your life.. quite a happening life u have

    2. or you have a spy on me?? ;)

  4. have been reading your blog posts for quite some time now...

    i know have been a bit lazy to comment!! (the word verification is a huge put off...the words are so twisted that sometimes u have type twice/thrice before u get it right!! do away with it if u can..u can enable comment moderation instead)

    but let me tell u i love the simplicity and the beauty in ur stories...i loved "four lines" and "till he realises"..ofcourse all of them are nice reads, these two were the best!

    1. ohh i didnt know word verification was active... will change it surely... thanks a lot and :)

  5. Yeah simple & sweet what's describe this post best. Maybe a lot more. With such ease you wrote the entire scene. Really nice. Thanks take care !

  6. A woman who knows her mind & can speak it too------very good!

  7. straight and simple -awesomely written loved it :D :D

  8. WOW! So much is said in such few words! Kudos to the woman in the story!

    My world, my thoughts, my musings...

  9. It definitely takes a great deal of maturity and possibly, a self-preservation instinct, to say those words!

  10. Wonderfully captured emotions! True, sometimes the distances are easier to deal with...

  11. Agreed but sometimes a meet is necessary and sometimes you don't get one :)

    Take Care

  12. Women usually give it their best shot so once they move they dont look back. Men just take for granted and so mismanage and when they realise they lost something worthwhile they want to keep in touch. But thats too late. Thats how I view ur post. good one

  13. No doubt education and independence has given women the courage to say "NO" which would otherwise had been thought as sinfull....
