My Encouragement!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Choose Your Friends Carefully

"You are not helping. You are not helping" she yelled " You are my best friend and you are not helping." She walked around talking small footsteps, crying, wiping those tears, breathing in and crying again. She looked at him sitting quietly. She went near him and pulled away. "You. You of all the people in the world, you had to be such an ass. I have the world comforting me and you i don't find around". "I have my own problems" he replied.
          The anger just reached her head. She went red wondering what to say to this heartless friend of her's. "Yeah right, she not talking to you, she not licking your ass is your problem. She making you dance on your toes is your problem and Of course your family not supporting your love is a problem, which is not even a problem since they don't even know about it yet. Here I am alone. Broken up, left at the altar. Close to having a happy ending and then it being ripped off, shattered to pieces still listening to you complaining about your messed up life which by the way isn't messed up. You decide to give me a cold shoulder. You are my best friend. Do you know what that means. It means i rely on you for comfort, i rely that you will be available when i need you. So please think back and analyse were you there?.  When i was in pain were you there to comfort me? Did you call up once to just talk, anything. You were present few days and invisible later. Of all the people, you knew how much i depended on you and still you couldn't come out of your fake sadness and be there. I listened to everyone's problems when i didn't want to including you and you didn't notice how very difficult it was. So i loose my love and my best friend in an instant. It makes me sad that i trust wrong people. You were my best friend and now you are nothing but a big disappointment."


  1. nice 1 and for friends it is part of life keep writing
    do visit my blog

  2. The ache in your words .
    I still find no words to type..but yes! we all look for someone to be around esp friends

    1. yes uma :) it hurts more when friends don't stand by

  3. Your heart is in the right place. And that shows in the honesty of your choice of words.

  4. Hey exactly this is what is happening to my life at the very moment.God knws how do u knw bout it :P

    1. hahaha!! ankita guess we just have same stories :)

  5. The best friendship is when there is no expectations. If someone is a true friend then he/she will know what you want. The moment you expect something, you are bound to be disappointed.

    1. agree!! expectations are the sole reason for disappointments..

  6. great post.. I still don't understand people's need to replace their close ones with better people...Aren't people supposed to be unique? How can you just substitute a person in your life and heart?

    1. well am finfing answers to those questions myself
